broadcast + netmask = bug (?) (was Re: udp packet storms - ping death)

Darren Reed (
Sun, 6 Nov 1994 05:12:03 +1100 (EDT)

> eh? with solaris you an load/unload drivers and modules on the fly and
> configure the kernel _while_ it is running. this you ant do with sunos,
> also the svr4 kernel is far more scalable than the sunos one. the case isnt
> that solaris kernels are harder to configure, its that they are different.
> if you really want to compare the two kernels read the following two books
> "The Magic Garden Explained" by Berny Goodheart, also "BSD Internals" (i
> think not sure of the author) it is published by Addison Wesley, it has a
> picture of a little devil on the front (i havea copy of the former and have
> read the latter but dont have a copy as yet).

Right.  You can load and unload modules.

These are extensions.

Too bad if you want to replace something _in_ the kernel.

How easy is it to repace sockmod on Solaris2 ?  Or say the UFS drivers
or the NFS code ?  They're all hidden away in prepacked bits and pieces
which you are allowed to chose from.  Solaris2 might be just as (or more
configurable) than SunOS4, but to me, I feel like I have more control
over what is and isn't in my SunOS4 kernel.  Come to Solaris2 and I have
pieces that I can pick from but I am given little or no choice if I want
something to do job XYZ.  Strange that the best host to use as a multicast
router is a machine running SunOS4, where you can replace bits of the
kernel easily, no ?  Maybe it is more that the BSD kernel has lots of
other bits around to play with which makes it more inviting to the hacker
than does the no-cc solaris2.

obbug: this is relevant to the subject at make more efficient
       use of out network numbers I recently sought to subnet 26/6, after
       being on a traditional boundary (24/8).  There were quite a few
       problems in getting this to work (in terms of routing) but perhaps
       the most interesting change happened when I changed my broadcast
       address from beng all 0's to all 1's.  No problem you say...well...
       i tried to ping the broadcast address as if it were all 0's...*poof*
       something was screwed, having done it remotely I lost *all* response
       and in going in to check up, found that all machines on that subnet
       were in some sort of feedback hell - the (best) solution was to
       unplug hosts from the ethernet, let packets die, and then plug back
       in.  *Strangely* the only host that was (seemingly) affected was
       the one I executed the ping on.  Weeks later I try something else;
       I send a broadcast udp packet to the all 0 address and what happens ?
       inetd complains about too many packets/service failure and shuts the
       service down!  *1* packet was sent!  Needless to say, I think I've
       seen the same bug using etherfind/tcpdump where the occasional
       broadcast (such as routing info) will appear *multiple* times for the
       same packet.  None of this has been fatal, just *very* annoying.
       Leads to wonder if perhaps, services such as syslogd (non-inetd)
       could be shutdown or otherwise affected...I wish it were my doing,
       but all that was changed is subnet mask and bcast address which works
       fine as long as I don't use 1's...(anyone know any more on this ?)


p.s. this strange behaviour has been observed on 4.1.[1-3]